Compared with these theories, although these theories do not involve specific techniques, they are as indispensable as the "general program"

It is the so-called "one-size-fits-all method" that has been practiced alone for so long, and the lack of meditation is the "master program" that can reshape the world outlook.
After realizing this, the bottleneck that has plagued Zen for a long time suddenly broke down.
Originally independent of the demon’s body and alone in the abdomen, the "King Kong glared at each other" also merged into the body.
"Who said that Buddha and demon can’t be together?"
"Since the future road is referenced, I will light the torch of the younger generation!"
"Buddha or demon is just a part of’ dry Zen’"
"The Buddha has the Dharma, and the demon has the prototype. Both of them are’ withered Zen’!"
After a laugh, Zen meditation ignored Pei Wende, Ping Ming, Rat Er and others’ surprised eyes and sat cross-legged at the door.
In an instant, a statue of monkey demon glaring slowly rises from behind the meditation.
The statue is dressed in a cassock, with beads around its neck, holding a dharma seal in its arms and placing a ring stick horizontally, which looks like the real Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
However, the face of the statue is an ape with a twisted face and a fierce face. It’s like coming from Jiuyou to the devil incarnate.
"Is this your karma?"
Slowly walk out of the shadow of the courtyard. After listening to Pei Wende’s theory, the old man can show envy.
Because it has also heard those theories, but it is limited by its own practice, and it is still far from being a bottleneck for many years.
Do you want to listen to Pei Wende’s lecture more than the old one to finish this special course called "Philosophy" thoroughly?
After all, it’s just an opening, so it’s magnificent to analyze the foundation of all things.
Then it is conceivable that the following courses are precious.
Is it true that a practitioner who practices "thousand-eye contact" is looking at everything and penetrating the causal path? It just happens that such a theory can cover what he has learned and thought.
Looking at the sudden appearance of the old Zen master Pei Wende and Ping Ming, there is nothing to show that the two heads of the mouse show a ferocious expression
"When did you start eavesdropping?"
"The crime of stealing the law is a cause and effect. Do you dare to eavesdrop? !”
Full of murder roar fully expressed the attitude of the mouse.
Nowadays, this literacy can change the class era. No, liu er is the most basic principle
Not to mention, meditation and old hacking are still enough to reshape the "avenue" of the three views and ways of thinking, which is much more serious than ordinary stealing academic methods
The latter is just an extra skill and magical power, but the former is enough to change their future view and thinking of universal logic.
This is the difference between art and Taoism and the reason why "philosophy" is regarded as the real dragon slaying art.
It’s a pity that I didn’t show any surprise in the face of the old mouse.
Because it chose to expose itself and come out of the shadows, it was ready to be killed by Pei Wende.
For the rare wise man in this monster, the root of "morning news and evening death" is not a formal word
It’s enough to be able to get a glimpse of the "avenue" you dream of even being killed by Pei Wende on the spot!
"Please teach me if you have a philosophy!"
I respectfully held a younger brother’s ceremony. At this moment, the gesture is somewhat funny and shows great respect.
In the previous contempt for Pei Wende, a human being?
Old people have been forgotten after hearing Pei Wende’s sermon
Don’t say that today is Pei Wende preaching here. Even if today is a bad old man, are you always willing to worship each other?
Is it true that the great wisdom in the eyes of the old man is far more precious than the so-called magical spell, and is it that the flow of identity and status can be limited?
"This …"
Root didn’t expect his theory and this unexpected gain. Pei Wende was surprised at the moment and didn’t know what to say.