On the other hand, the U.S. side did not give back, and the personnel were very angry that they had suffered a joke, so the matter went away.

It was almost three years ago, when Hua Zhen Bank was just about to drop out of Feigong University and return to the University of Sofia as a freshman.
Since the founding of New Guinea, although many countries have established diplomatic relations with the new Coalition government, for a long time, few countries, its core allies, namely, India, Pakistan, Mali and Newland, have resumed diplomatic relations.
Can people of countries without formal diplomatic relations have economic and trade exchanges? Of course, it is also troublesome. There is a kind of business called smuggling. If it is a legal channel, it can be re-exported through a third country.
For example, many rich people in India have bought Chundan or vitality drugs through St. John’s Biotechnology Company. If these people are willing to travel to Huanxiang Tebang and enjoy Chundan after-sales, they can also get temporary special visas.
By 229, it may be that Guinea has developed better, or it may be that the situation has changed when the diesel project came out. On the other hand, the United States has taken the initiative to contact Guinea and expressed its willingness to restart the negotiations on establishing diplomatic relations.
Of course, there are conditions for the resumption of diplomatic relations between the United States and China. However, there have been different people and brains in several countries, welcoming normal diplomatic relations but not accepting unequal negotiations.
The United States may feel that it is necessary to directly promise to come, but it is necessary to establish diplomatic relations, so it first encourages the two most hardcore younger brothers to explore, namely Yinguo and Baguo.
India was once the suzerain of Guinea as well as the country of interest, and at the beginning of the founding of New Guinea, India secretly supported the environmental forces to plan an attempted coup in an attempt to overthrow the Charles government.
There is a feud between the two countries, and the whole modern history of the world belongs to India, which is the least thing. However, the governments of several countries have shown restraint and resumed normal diplomatic relations without additional conditions.
But when it comes to Baggage Country, the situation is different. It is not the requirement of Baggage Country, but the condition of Guinea Country. Before the negotiation between Guinea Countries, one of them is to extradite Morrison to return to China for trial.
Morrison, once a big planter, can be said to be a economist in the country. Yu Xiao has become an iconic villain symbol in the culture of the country.
Xia Yading was rescued from the plantation by the New Alliance. The story "Aden and Cui Hua" was made into a stage play, and was later adapted into many forms of literature and art.
The original site of Morrison plantation has now built a revolutionary memorial hall, and a lot of detailed materials have revealed that dark history and that dark age to people.
Every year, the patriotic education base in Guinea organizes cadres and the masses, employees of enterprises and school students to visit the country to negotiate with diplomats in Guinea, and they are also arranged to visit it here.
Some people say that Guinea lacks a unified culture, which is neither a fact nor a fact, because the cultural unity of Guinea is taking shape, such as the story of Aden Cui Hua, which will be said by future generations.
Morrison used to have dual nationality in Guinea-Bissau, and he fled to Guinea-Bissau before the establishment of the new Guinean government.
Later, the political forces of Inmi supported him, got assistance from a foundation, and set up a so-called government in exile in Guinea, calling itself the president of Guinea.
The aid of political funds does not expect the exiled government to return to several countries. The successful restoration is a careless move to spend a little money to raise people who will not bite.
But if they have the chance, they will not only bite but also kill people. In case of successful coup and subversion of the new Coalition government in Guinea in the future, Morrison is also one of the important candidates to send back to take over the government.
Sponsoring the government in exile is a research project of a famous foundation. The research topic of this project is "such as subverting and taking over the current government of Guinea"
Many people may be surprised or all three views have been impacted, but one fact is true-
Several years after the establishment of the new government in Guinea, countries such as rice, India, Pakistan, hemp and Niu admitted that the "head of state" of Guinea was not Charles but the so-called President Morrison!
Morrison has committed numerous crimes in Guinea, which is irrefutable evidence. Guinea has already handed over complete materials to the government of the bag country through international channels, and strongly urged the government of the bag country to repatriate this absconding felon.
The government of Baguo has always ignored Morrison’s rectification of the so-called government in exile, and it was later killed by Yogoro.
Hua Zhen Bank once talked about the agency plan for the new decade with Gao Le, and at the same time made a request to Gao Le. Since the two sides are long-term partners, Gambistin has taken the initiative to do something with them.
The specific requirement of Hua Zhen Bank is to make more friends with the resources of Joko Lechun Dan and to create a better external environment, especially the public opinion environment and diplomatic environment.
I don’t know how Yogaole is doing. Maybe some big people have spoken privately. First, the famous political fund in the United States no longer supported Morrison, and then the so-called government in exile was banned by the bag country.
The reason for the ban is also very funny. It is said that the registration procedures and the scope of activities do not meet the legal provisions of the bag country.
Then Morrison became the exiled president of several countries, lost his money, his wife and children, and left. He was poor and lived in a broken wooden house in the suburbs and lived on welfare.
But even so, the government of the bag country is unwilling to hand Morrison over to Guinea.
Because Morrison, after all, has the citizenship of a bag country, doing so will not only lose national dignity, but also give people the impression that Guinea will exert pressure and compromise, and the current ruling organization may lose votes
The negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations are stuck here, and the first step cannot be carried out.
Later, the bag country also made concessions to extradite Morrison to Guinea, but the precondition was that he could not be sentenced to death, which was the bottom line of the negotiations.
Guinea has still not agreed that the punishment should be decided by the laws of Guinea according to the facts, and it is a matter of basic principle that interference by the government of Guinea cannot be accepted.
At last, the negotiators in the bag country hinted that if Guinea really hates Morrison and wants to get rid of this person, it might as well send agents to assassinate him directly.
Anyway, Morrison is not a protected person now, and it is easy for agents in Guinea to kill him and then pretend to be a public security case.
Of course, it is impossible for the government of Guinea to do this, but Morrison really died like this. After investigation, the local police announced that this was a burglary and caused a murder. The murderer escaped and his identity was not the same.
But who would rob a poor man and commit a felony murder?
This is neither what people in Guinea nor the government of Bagua did. According to the investigation by Yogoro, the biggest suspect was the US Intelligence Agency.
The American intelligence agency tried to kill them. Did it support Morrison?
During the negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Guinea, American intelligence personnel have been secretly involved, but some people are impatient and want to promote the progress of the work early
Morrison is dead, and the negotiation obstacles will not be able to give the shire government a hat for assassinating political opponents at the right time. This is not only killing two birds with one stone, but also disgusting as always.
Morrison died on December 31, 229. There are still some details left in the negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Guinea and Guinea, but the formal establishment of diplomatic relations is not far away.
It is against this background that the US Intelligence Agency has formulated a new plan.
On January 10, 2003, the third Huanxiang Habitat Award Ceremony will be held in Switzerland. The sponsors of this international award rarely show up on weekdays, and the guests will attend as usual.
American intelligence wants to take advantage of this opportunity to arrest Feng Zibin directly without charge and control him first.
Chapter 592, who can’t be a leading role?
"The third Huanxiang Habitat Award Ceremony? That’s what happened half a month later. "Hua Zhen leaned over after hearing about Gao Le and poured wine for each other.
At this time, it was January 5th, less than a week after Morrison’s assassination, and the foreign affairs department of several countries just got the news from the bag country that Gao Le came soon enough!
About Gao Le not only came quickly, but also was well informed. It has been found that the US Intelligence Agency "handled" Morrison. Nowadays, many people suspect that it is probably the agent of Guinea.
Joko said with a smile, "I came to you immediately because of the emergency. It’s kind of you to think that I’m here to eat!" "
Hua Zhen trip "is a joke! You and I have nothing to be polite about. We will have good wine and good food whenever we want to come … By the way, do you know each other’s detailed plans? "
About Gao Le rolled his eyes. "I don’t have a face. Can I come to you if I don’t ask?"
How and where does the US Intelligence Agency intend to arrest Feng Zibin? Yogoro investigated it very clearly, as if he had personally participated in the plot, even knowing the identity and identity of the people involved.
Because Feng Zibin is not easy to find, he can be sure that there will be an annual meeting place of the World Economic Forum. At first, they planned to start work in Switzerland, and there were two alternatives: bag country and India country.
After some discussion, we will finally determine the place to start work because it is the most convenient place and Yinguo has just formally established diplomatic relations in a few miles.
What charges took him away? The intelligence department of the United States has prepared three charges. The first charge is stealing state secrets of the United States, mainly referring to the bio-genetic technology involved in the tree diesel project.
The second charge is suspected of murdering Morrison, a former exiled government leader in Guinea. How can we find out that the murderer behind Morrison’s assassination is the US Intelligence Agency because of this clue?
If they killed the people and arranged the scene, they would naturally leave a lot of planted evidence and even arrange false accusations against witnesses, but when appropriate, they would declare that the matter was instigated by the wind.
There are many reasons why Yu Fengbin wanted to assassinate Morrison, so Feng Zibin has to explain himself and leave it to the news media to guess and arrange.